I just had a salami sandwich for breakfast. What kind of crazy sh*t is that?
First of all, I'll have you know that Joe and I were up and about at 4 am due to 1) monumental jet-lag, 2) a snoring transvestite in the next bed (true story), and 3) over-indulgence in meat and beer the night before. Since I was awake anyways, I checked the Sox score on my iPhone, saw that they were down 7-0 in the 7th, and decided to go down to the hostel common room and hop online to commiserate live with my pals over at Surviving Grady. The hostel staff were up and about at 5 am, brewing coffee, putting out muesli and slicing more meat for breakfast sandwiches. Who has wurst for breakfast? Well, the Germans do, apparently. So, when in Frankfurt, etc etc etc. In the excitement of following the Sox EPIC comeback online and three thousand miles away, I think I might have consumed a lot of meat.
Last night Joe and I wandered around Das Roemer*, the old part of Frankfurt. It was a damp night and I began to regret my decision to rough it without an umbrella. Still, we managed to walk between the raindrops until we wandered into the Wertheym Restaurant.
No, neither of us had the monumental slab of pork pictured at the top of the page but we did indulge in a bit of schwein. German meals seem to consist mostly of meat, potatoes, and a miniscule portion of vegetables. (Right now it feels like a slab of concrete has taken up residence in my stomach. I have no doubt I'll be needing a defrib once I get to France and start shoveling down the brie.)

The Wertheym is an old school German restaurant, but not tourist-y in the least. Aside from a few businessmen in town for the book fair, the restaurant hosted a steady stream of locals who arrived in hungry groups of four or more. As a matter of fact, Joe and I were lucky to get the only unreserved table in the (tiny) place which we then shared with a couple of Brazilian businessmen (Mario & Marcillo, pictured above). Then came the bier - a sharp local pils - and the afore-mentioned meat. With tons of potatoes. And a very tiny salad. Still a delight. And check out the decor!

By the way, we weren't the only ones fascinated with the photogenic meat.

* Until someone tells me how to find the foreign language spelling app on the MacBook, we shall be umlaut-free here.
Salami for breakfast eh? no comment from the trash talking Texan.
EPIC comeback?? I think we're used to that arent we?? PVS to Beckett and we just need Beckett to be Beckett tomorrow.
I'm getting thrilled at the aspect I get to see Europe for free :)
You are doing an amazing amount of 'work' on your vacation and I thank you for it...love that you've both been able to come to the games on SG. You doing another stop-over in the Hub on the way back?
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